Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day tour driving around Ayers Rock - August 2015

These walking trails are fabulous and a good opportunity to see the rock up close and personal

You can see the fitness required here to climb the rock - no wonder there have been many falls and fatalities. This climb is not encouraged and tourists are not refused if they insist on climbing. In the future this climb will most likely be closed.

The walking track to the top of Ayers Rock worn by many climbers over the years

The walking Track up to the top of Ayers Rock.

As we started our excursion early in the morning to see the sunrise the climb was closed at the time we were there.  It would open later in the morning for those wishing to climb.

Amazing rock formations

Changing colours of the rock as we drove around ranging from yellow,red,orange and in the shadows a pink/purple hue.

Our drive around Ayers Rock was worthwhile as we could see the rock's variation in formation and colour as we drove around.

Our guide pointed out the various sacred sites that we were not allowed to photograph.

We stopped for an up close and personal experience at the rock seeing the Mutitjulu Cave and water hole as well as being able to touch the rock.

We were given an opportunity to walk the rock but we chose not to do that.

There was no sign of wildlife (apart from one lizard and birds) as it was mid morning and what animals that were there would have been in hiding from the tourists.

The photographs do not show the true beauty and magnitude.

We chose not to do the walking trails as we were coming back out again that evening for the sunset and Sounds of Silence Dinner.

Time permitting walking around the rock would have been great.

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