Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mutitjulu Cave - Aboriginal Art Stories - on Ayes Rock - August 2015

Walkways around the rock

The rock up close

Small lizard near the crack in the rock

Small lizard - our only sighting of wildlife apart from birds.

Touching the rock

Inside one of the small caves

Beautifully crafted seats at the tourists bus stops

Our tour group listening to stories of the rock

On our walk through to Mutitjulu Cave

Aboriginal chalk drawings

As part of our day tour out to Ayers Rock we had the opportunity to get up close and personal with the "rock" which was an amazing experience.  We did get to touch the rock before being taken to Mutitjulu Cave which was the meeting place of the Anangu Family.  Their art stories on the rock remain today but have deteriated over time as they are chalk drawings.  Apparently tour guides in the past used to throw water over the drawings to make them stand out better.  This practice has now been stopped as the chalk was being washed off the rock.

There are no numbers of photos that you could take that would truely show the magnitude and beauty of the rock. The natural rock formations contain many sacred sites to the aboriginals and cannot be photographed.

This was a good experience.

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