Thursday, September 25, 2008

Legerwood - Tasmania

As we left Barnbougal Dunes Resort earlier than planned we had time to call into other places of interest on our way to St Helens.
Our first stop was at the Eco Centre where we could watch videos & see photos of the early settlement of Tasmania. They had displays of Tasmanian plants & souveneirs for us to purchase. Chris bought a wooden puzzle which had us all entranced. It was a piece of unbroken wood with a large nail through the centre. (Image attached).
The challenge was to work out how the nail got there without disturbing the wood. It still remains a puzzle as none of us could come up with any sort of substancial annwer.
We stopped off at a place called Legerwood to look at some amazing wood sculptures done in the park on some old trees that were originally planted in memory of soldiers lost in the war. Each carving had a special story & was dedicated to a particular soldier. The plaques at the bottom of each carving told the story. You can click on the images to enlarge them to viewing size. (click your 'backspace' key to return to this page)

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