Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Telegraph Track, Queensland - Wednesday 29th June 2011

The Telegraph Track is quite an experience - certainly not designed for two wheel drive vehicles.  It is often closed to all traffic especially in wet weather.  We arrived at Bramwell Junction Station (separate posting) to check the condition of the track for our vehicle.  Palm Creek crossing (the first crossing after Bramwell Junction) was only open to smaller 4 wheel drive vehicles.  Our bus was too heavy.  We went out to Palm Creek to check the condition of it and found a group of about six vehicles attempting to get across the very muddy and slippery road that was not in good condition.  They were laying down big logs on the road to make a firmer base for the 4 wheel drives to get across.  The first vehicle crossed the creek but could not get up the other side without a winch.  It made it to safety & the second vehicle crossed with a trailer attached which was scary to watch.  It also had to be winched up the other side. 

Dean decided that our vehicle was too heavy to attempt the crossing (much to our relief) and we back tracked to Bramwell Junction and took an alternative road, rejoining the Telegraph Track further up.

There were thousands of termite mounds along the way.  We saw eagles, a wild pig and some wild cattle. The road was rough in patches (mainly at the river crossings were the water caused damage when it floods) but overall we thought the majority of it was in good condition.  Dean was very knowledgeable about all things in the bush including native plants and animals as well as having a good understanding of the aboriginal culture which made the journey very interesting for us.

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