Monday, December 10, 2012

Amish Working Farm, Lancaster, PA - October 2012

As part of our Globus Tour we met a real Amish family who we had dinner with at Hershey Farm. We met Linda, Henry and their children and shared an Amish meal with them.  On our way to Washington we called into Linda & Henry's farm where we could see the working farm and their son Daniel showed us around the farm.  They were a very friendly and made us feel welcome.

They had horses that they breed and also a carpentry shed. There was a gift shop where we could purchase goods and food produced by them.  We had a look at their horse carriages that they use for transport and had a good overview of their lifestyle.

I could take photos there as long it did not include images of them.  They encourage tourism at the farm to supplement their income from the farm.

It was an interesting experience learning about their beliefs.  They do not allow technology at all so there are no computers, telephones, electricity, newspapers other than an Amish Newsletter. All the household energy and farm machines are run by gas.

As one who embraces technology and runs with all the latest inventions I would have great difficulty living the simple life of an Amish person.   They are happy people and enjoy the bubble that they live in.

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